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Our selection Geerinckx

We have chosen for you with the greatest care some promising pigeons that reinforce each loft.

Youngsters Geerinckx

ATTENTION: no young pigeons can be delivered between July 31 and January 15.

** For youngsters gender is not guaranteed.

Yearlings Geerinckx

Stockbirds Geerinckx


  • grandfather Jos Geerinckx was also a very good pigeon fancier
  • father Luc Geerinckx was a football player in his spare time until he started racing pigeons in 1980
  • Luc was fellow-villager of Jos Soontjens and so these pigeons were introduced by Luc
  • Bart Geerinckx is active as a fancier from the age of 10 years
  • Bart is now full-time pigeon fancier
  • from the line of “Tom”, “Late Tom”, “Vale 009”, “Zwarte Slaets”, “Blauwe Argenton”, “Geschifte”, “Orleanske”, “Wittekop Bil”, “witte Tom”, “Nationaal Limo”, “Gladiator”, “Ijzeren”, “Miss Rapide”, “Rapido 1”, “David”
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