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Our ELITE-selection Etienne Meirlaen

We have chosen for you with the greatest care some promising pigeons that reinforce each loft.

Pair yourself

Pair an ELITE cock with an ELITE hen yourself in their own breeding box. Select the cock of your preference here.

Pigeon from breeding pair

Breed youngster from pairs.

Etienne Meirlaen

  • Etienne was already active in the pigeon sport in the eighties and nineties, but sold his pigeons because he did not have enough time due to his business activities
  • in 2000, when the son of Etienne joined the company, he got more free time and started again with pigeons for the long-distance
  • Etienne laid the foundation of his pigeon colony with mainly pigeons from Van Damme-Boddaert and Cor de Heijde
  • three times 1st national ace-pigeon great long-distance 2008, 2009 and 2017
  • national winner Cahors, Narbonne and Pau, Euro-international winner San Sebastian and international winner Narbonne

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