New! Personal and small-scale open days!

Every Thursday morning you can come and choose strictly selected breeding and racing pigeons that are an asset to your loft.

We always provide a wide range for the different disciplines (short-, middle- and long-distance).

  • beautiful youngsters (with and without pedigree)
  • yearlings (with and without pedigree)
  • ELITE pigeons

The pigeons can be taken immediately and paid contactless (Bancontact) or with cash.

Book by calling the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center on Tel. +32 3 383 08 31.

You will receive a confirmation email.

See you soon!

All ELITE pigeons >

Animal protein for racing pigeons? Really?

Yes. And it delivers!

Buy now! >

Descheemaecker Pigeon TV:

In-depth interviews with winners

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Natural Finesse Breeding

For optimal breeding results

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