What we stand for

We are proud of the fact that the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center is the oldest and largest breeding station of racing pigeons in the world. This is due to our four values that we guarantee every day:


From the beginning and in every step of the process. The Descheemaecker Pigeon Center takes quality very seriously with every activity it carries out. Our suppliers are also carefully selected so that the quality is guaranteed over the entire process. Every day our employees are ready for our customers with a quality product and quality service!


An indispensable element in the pigeon sport. The Descheemaecker family has been active in the pigeon sport for almost a century, has been publishing a recognised magazine for decades and knows the tricks of the trade when it comes to breeding pigeons. This passion for pigeons that characterises the family, we also find in our customers and our employees.


Everything turns around the pigeon. By keeping the focus on the pigeon, the living conditions and health of the pigeon, and the fancier, the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center can call itself a true expert. We do everything in our power to use our experience to the maximum so that our customers may reap the benefits.


Open and honest. At the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center every customer can count on the same and correct service. We work in all openness with our employees, customers, suppliers and other third parties.

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Natural Finesse Sport

Indispensable during the racing season!

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