Welcome to our open days

On 9 - 19 - 26 February and 2 - 9 March, each time from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center.


  • Visit the ultra-modern lofts housing the pigeons of the“ELITE by Descheemaecker” as well as 20,000 m² housing the lofts of the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center.
  • Strengthen your loft with pigeons selected by us...you can choose the pigeons yourself!
  • Stroll through our renovated permanent exhibition with the living room of the Janssen brothers from Arendonk as an eye-catcher.
  • Enjoy delicious Belgian chips and sandwiches, the Trappist beer from Westmalle or various hot and cold drinks offered at democratic prices.
  • Every Sunday there is an attendance raffle. Five young pigeons will be raffled off among attendees.
  • A wide range of Natural by-products are exhibited and sold at very advantageous prices.

Sales day for young pigeons

Sunday 9 March we will hold a sales day for the youngsters. During this day fanciers can select their own youngsters or pick up the youngsters they ordered at a price of € 45 for youngsters without a pedigree and from € 70 for youngsters with a pedigree.

All ELITE pigeons >

Animal protein for racing pigeons? Really?

Yes. And it delivers!

Buy now! >

Descheemaecker Pigeon TV:

In-depth interviews with winners

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Natural Finesse Breeding

For optimal breeding results

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Discover the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center

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